Join me for my Birthday!
To celebrate 50 years, I'm flying 50 planes, to raise 50K for Charity
on December 12th, 2012
At the Fredricksburg, TX airport (T82)
Click on the animated pictures above for some interesting links!
I, Levi B. Noguess, will fly at least 50 aircraft on my 50th birthday. I intend to fly as many different types as available, including, but not limited to at least the following:
1 Jet
1 Twin engine Turbine 1 Twin engine Piston 1 Single engine Turbine 1 Single engine Piston 1 Bi-plane 1 Helicopter, Turbine or Piston 1 Experimental aircraft 1 Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) 1 Ultralight |
If you have an airplane... I need your help! As long as it's airworthy I'd love to "Fly with you"
The airplane above is a Kolb Mark III. It belongs to a great friend and it's a blast to fly! Click on the picture to submit your airplane.
You read it right! With your help, I intend to fly 50 aircraft in one day! 12-12-12, My 50th birthday!
When asked by someone how much money flying takes:
Why, all of it!
— Gordon Baxter
— Gordon Baxter
Evolution of a LogoIt all started with the little painting of a Cowboy riding a caricature of my Clipper. It was painted on the tail when I got it. Although it wasn't intended to represent me, many folks thought it did.
I took a picture of that cowboy logo to an an Airforce friend in Afganistan and asked him to draw a few sketches to represent my project. I told him to start with the cowboy. He drew them out on scratch paper while on break from his mission in Afghanistan. I was really impressed. I took his final drawing and had a patch made at the local embrodiery shop in Kandahar, Afghanistan. I then contacted Dennis McClain who draws the "BARNTOONS" for He agreed to help me with some more ideas and the Fifty Airplanes in one Day logo was born. Dennis is continueing to help me with more drawings and you will see them on this site. Thank you Dennis, and John for your help! Levi |