You all know how I like Tailwheel airplanes... Well, last week while working in Columbus, GA at KCSG I met a real Aviation Family! John, Jonathan, Liz and Baby Riley Amundsen! They were on their way back to Florida from Airventure at Oshkosh Wisconsin. Not your typical two car family, they were traveling in three planes, a Steerman, a Fairchild, and a Taylorcraft painted up to look like an L-4. Liz had made a nice bed in the back of the Taylorcraft for Riley and he seemed to be enjoying the trip as much as everyone else! They have a flight school in Lakeland, Florida called Tailwheels Etc. Check it out at Their focus is on accelerated flight training with an emphasis on FUN while never compromising safety. If you ever wanted a great place to get your lisence or advanced ratings this is the place to go. If you don't live nearby, it would be worth the trip to get there any way